
The customer offers Digital Signage and Out-of-Home audience measurement solutions. The solution consists of two elements: the Head-Counters, artificial intelligence sensors installed in the field for the acquisition of data on pedestrian and vehicle flows; and a cloud platform that collects data from the Head-Counters, integrating them with third-party data, and makes them accessible to the user through a special dashboard.

This technology makes it possible to monitor the influx of people who move on foot inside public spaces, also in order to prevent situations of excessive crowding or abnormal flows.


This technology inevitably requires the processing of a series of personal data belonging to first third parties (e.g. images of the faces of passers-by, license plates of vehicles). It is therefore necessary that these operations take place in accordance with current legislation, without however impeding the development of your business.


In 2020, these technologies left open numerous doubts regarding the potential impact on the rights and freedoms of citizens and on the correct protection and circulation of personal data collected through these sensors.

DVC has therefore organized a thematic working table composed of privacy consultants and entrepreneurs in the sector in order to:

  1. build a new ecosystem in the OOH sector in Italy that would take into account these issues;
  2. carry out a multidisciplinary work of research and analysis on the impacts on the protection of personal data that these technologies may present.


This work table generated two main outputs:

  1. has allowed the customer to enter a new ecosystem, distinguishing itself from other providers as a company attentive to issues related to data protection;
  2. a White Paper that summarizes the main results of this research activity, photographing the state of the art of adapting audience measurement solutions to privacy regulations from a legal and technical point of view.

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